I know, I know, go ahead a roll your judgey eyes at me. I'm reading this as a favor of sorts.
While I really don't need to justify my reading choices to ANYONE, I admit to some embarrassment at having FSOG appear on my currently-reading roster. After all, a quick perusal of my many trusted friends indicates that I would enjoy FSOG about as much as chewing cotton balls. The
Readthoughs and Random Thoughts blog, which offers an excellent comparative analysis of FSOG to Manna Francis' awesome book [b:Mind Fuck|2112823|Mind Fuck (The Administration, #1)|Manna Francis|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1328214829s/2112823.jpg|2118233], should have kept me far away from FOSG. Even so, I read it. I read FSOG because of the motion picture. The rumor buzz around the FSOG film is that it's turning out quite good. When a book is made into a movie, book readers typically prefer the books. No surprise there. Books can do so much more in the way of back story, character development and inner dialog. I would estimate that 70% of FSOG consisted of Ana’s inner dialog saying things like “holy crap”, “my inner goddess” and “he’s so bossy”. So I see great potential for a good screenwriter and director to fix many (not all!) of book problems in a film adaptation.
As for the favor, this person was forever in my debt even before I read the book. Mathematically speaking, adding anything to infinity is still infinity. What can I say, I'm generous.