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My corner in BookLikes

Currently reading

Risk Return (Return on Investment Book 2)
Aleksandr Voinov
Paul Markun
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
The Little Book of Mindfulness: 10 minutes a day to less stress, more peace
Patrizia Collard

Popsugar 2015 Reading Challenge in a googledoc

I have seen lots of mention of the PopSugar 2015 reading challenge, and it looks like a good one.   For those who have missed it, you can find it at Popsugar 2015 Reading Challenge.  They offer a downloadable PDF where you can check the boxes.  That is terribly insufficient for a compulsive list maker/life logger like myself, so I put it in a googledoc.  Below is the link to the doc, which is basically the list with column headers for the book and date read.  Feel free to make your own copy and tailor it as you see fit.

